Democratic values and the rule of law are increasingly contested in the EU, and political interventions trigger debates on how to respond to these tendencies. re:constitution offers room for discussions on current European challenges.
re:constitution invites applications for 20 fellowships for the upcoming academic year from October 2020 to July 2021. Fellows will pursue their own, topic-related projects and will become part of a European exchange network. re:constitution promotes debate and analysis on democracy and the rule of law across Europe and its member states. The programme is intended to offer room for discussions and enable European scholars and professionals of law and neighbouring disciplines to share experiences and exchange ideas on this topic of paramount importance.
Please find the Call for Applications here.
Deadline: 24 May 2020.
re:constitution is a joint programme of Forum Transregionale Studien and Democracy Reporting International, funded by Stiftung Mercator.
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20 fellowships for scholars, practitioners and journalists: . In: Legal Tribune Online, 15.04.2020 , (abgerufen am: 21.01.2025 )
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