German Arbitration Institute (DIS), German Federal Ministry of Justice, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Various events over several days in Berlin at different venues
Berufseinsteiger, Berufsträger, Mandanten
The Berlin Dispute Resolution Days, established in 2022, showcase the importance and relevance of dispute resolution made in Germany. Its centrepiece is the DIS Autumn Conference, traditionally held in English in Berlin, complemented by the DIS40 Autumn Conference, the Humboldt Dispute Resolution Conference and a variety of side events. DIS, the Federal Ministry of Justice and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin/the IDR LL.M. have joined forces for the organisation of the Berlin Dispute Resolution Days.
The Berlin Dispute Resolution Days bring together national and international practitioners, inhouse lawyers, academics, judges, government officials and representatives of other relevant stakeholders. The lectures and discussions held during the Berlin Dispute Resolution Days give new impulses and offer an excellent networking opportunity with leading arbitration experts from Germany and abroad.
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